Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hey Monkey,

This weekend saw a huge step in our lives. We visited your potential daycare. I have been worried for months on what we could do with you once mommy is ready to go back to work but it only really hits you when you see your little monkey in the hands of a complete stranger. I always knew that Daycare was the way we had to go but I really don't want to see my little girl raised by an alternative new mom......a stranger. I have no idea how other families do this but I would do anything to allow mommy to stay home with you, maybe work a part time shift somewhere just so that we can teach you the values that be live by. Just so that you do not wrap your arms and find comfort in a complete stranger. I do not think that this is possible for us monkey but I have 2 more months to possibly find a solution to this problem.

Know that we will always love you monkey. That will never change.

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