Monday, May 25, 2009

Getting so Big

Oh monkey you are getting so big.
We are just a couple of weeks away from your 1st birthday and your development the past few weeks has been tremendous. You are slowly but surely growing on a daily basis and it is just so amazing to watch.

For months mommy has been trying to get you to learn how to clap your hands. Everyday for minutes on end we would try. It got to the point where you would put your hands high in the air and be proud of yourself but for some reason, you just wouldn't clap them together. Then for some reason you woke up one day and just got it. You clapped your hands, smiled and adorable.

Then there is the feeding yourself. We have never tried to get you to do this.....but for some reason you went from depending on us to feed you to not wanting to have any help at all. You want to grab the spoon yourself, feed yourself and then off course occasionally wear your dish as a hat. That one is always popular with mommy. There is truly nothing cuter then an 11 month old baby with a plated of pasta in her hair.

Usually these sort of things are all experienced my mommy first, she films it and then lets me watch it when I get home. It sucks to never get to see these sort of things until after the fact but just to watch you grow is so rewarding.

But......this weekend was beautiful and so daddy decided to take you to the park. On Saturday afternoon we went to the swings for a few minutes and then on Sunday we went for almost 3 hours. The swings were amazing, because you smile from ear to ear and absolutely have a blast but what I enjoyed more was setting you down in the grass for the first time. You were so afraid and freaked out to put your hands down in this new substance. After about 10-15 minutes you got the hang of it and then crawled all over the place. Sprinting through the dandilions, pulling grass out of the ground and then if mommy knew what you were doing with the grass I would never be allowed to take you out alone again.

It was great.

You are growing so fast monkey........daddy's little girl will soon be 1.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

An omen?

Hey there monkey,

Daddy has been so worried lately about the thought of a stranger raising you at a Daycare. Regardless of how we felt mommy and daddy went visiting and found one close to home. The Daycare only spoke french so mommy was a little weary about that plus there were no children around your same age so there were a few negatives but despite that, we visited, read the enclosed material and then called the Daycare worker to enroll you.

Well despite being told that the spot was yours, we were now informed that the available spot was simply given to another child. I admit that we were both upset but is this an omen?

Is it a message that we should not have enrolled you in such a Daycare? Are we better off trying to keep you to be raised by family rather than some strangers? For now I would like to think yes but only time will tell. Until then let's cross our fingers and hope that Auntie Amanda, Grandma and Grandpa Willey and grandma Chow can watch you until the end of the summer.

Love you monkey.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hey Monkey,

This weekend saw a huge step in our lives. We visited your potential daycare. I have been worried for months on what we could do with you once mommy is ready to go back to work but it only really hits you when you see your little monkey in the hands of a complete stranger. I always knew that Daycare was the way we had to go but I really don't want to see my little girl raised by an alternative new mom......a stranger. I have no idea how other families do this but I would do anything to allow mommy to stay home with you, maybe work a part time shift somewhere just so that we can teach you the values that be live by. Just so that you do not wrap your arms and find comfort in a complete stranger. I do not think that this is possible for us monkey but I have 2 more months to possibly find a solution to this problem.

Know that we will always love you monkey. That will never change.